Week 10 Devo – WEDNESDAY
Often, toddlers insist on dressing themselves. Whether it be pajamas or princess dresses, they just don’t think they need their parents’ help. But of course, they do. Their sleeves turn inside out, or they put their shirts on backward. It may be hard for them to stand and get their little legs in their pants without falling. Left to themselves, they would be naked.
The church at Laodicea had a similar attitude. They didn’t think they needed Jesus. They wanted to be independent and self-sufficient. But Jesus called them “naked” (v. 17). If we are going to live fruitful and effective lives for Christ, we must be clothed in His power. We must throw ourselves upon His grace and depend on Him to accomplish the mission He has given us.
In what areas of life do you live as if you don’t need God?