Week 1 Devo – WEDNESDAY
Jesus had already told Peter that he was going to be martyred (John 21:18-19). Peter must have thought this was his time to die and that this angelic deliverance was just a dream. Suddenly, he realized it was no dream; he had truly been miraculously saved. But when he got to the house and knocked on the door, Rhoda forgot to let him in.
Rhoda was so excited that she didn’t think to open the door for Peter. We don’t want to be too hard on Rhoda; after all, she did believe when the rest doubted, and she kept insisting even when they were ignoring her.
But maybe we can learn this small lesson from her today—your excitement is no substitute for simple action. God works the miracle, but He still leaves something for us to do. It may be as small as opening the door, but God can use your simple obedience to complete His miraculous work. Expect God to move and be ready to do your part when the opportunity comes.
In what ways do you need to move from excitement to real action in your walk with Christ?