Devo – Day 4

“So Will I”

Job 37
Psalm 65

Do you ever doubt God’s love for you? Do you ever think that maybe you’re too far gone, or you’ve messed up too bad, too many times? If so, don’t feel bad! It’s perfectly normal to have doubts. The struggle of humanity is that we are spiritual beings locked in a sinful, physical body. We’re constantly caught in the tension between the spirit and the flesh. As followers of Jesus, we are called to trust in God and believe He has good things for us, but that’s easier said than done. “I believe; help my unbelief” (Mark 9:24) was a desperate father’s plea, right before Jesus healed the man’s demon-possessed son. God isn’t afraid of your questions because the proof of His awesome love is everywhere. Hillsong United’s “So Will I” illustrates this point in breathtaking fashion.

Every part of creation exists to glorify its Creator. All find their origin and purpose when He speaks. In Colossians 1:17, Paul reminds us that “He is before all things, and in Him, all things hold together.” Absolutely everything, from the tiniest microbe to the grandest galaxy, is sustained by the mighty hand of God, the Lord of all creation.

“Who stills the roaring of the seas, the roaring of their waves, the tumult of the peoples, so that those who dwell at the ends of the earth are in awe at Your signs. You make the going out of the morning and the evening to shout for joy” (Psalm 65:7–8). In the vast expanse of the universe, in the intricate details of every living thing, in the rhythm of the seasons, literally in every aspect of existence, we find the resounding declaration of God’s undying love for us.

When we contemplate the intricate beauty of a flower, the majestic power of a thunderstorm, or the delicate balance of ecosystems, we catch glimpses of God’s glory and the magnitude of His love. “So Will I” invites us to join in the chorus of praise that rises from the earth to the heavens.

Pray and praise God for His creating work.