Week 43 Devo – FRIDAY
The Enemy seeks to take away life – physically and spiritually. We know that God created life in the beginning (Genesis 1–2) and He sustains abundant life (John 10:10). Life is from God; the Enemy seeks to take that away. We see the Enemy’s schemes to take away life as he led Adam and Eve to sin in the garden (Genesis 3). The penalty for sin is death (Romans 6:23). Satan wants us to be stuck in our sin state – spiritually dead. Even when we experience new life through faith in Jesus, the Enemy wants to keep us from experiencing an abundant life of walking closely in relationship with God. He will attempt to distract us from God’s promises, plans and purposes for our lives to keep us from walking in the gift of life that is offered to us through daily walking in the Spirit with Him.
How does Satan distract us from experiencing abundant life in our walk with Jesus?