Week 44 Devo – WEDNESDAY

What Are Our Defenses?

Today, Paul reminds us that we must put on the spiritual armor of God to stand against the schemes of the Enemy. Paul reminds us of the importance of having our feet fitted with readiness, specifically when it comes to sharing the Gospel. We have a vital role as Christians in advancing God’s kingdom. The imagery of having our feet fit with readiness symbolizes an active and intentional stance. We should be ready to share the Gospel in every season and day of our lives! Through our readiness and reliance on God, we can impact people’s lives through sharing the Gospel and make an eternal impact.

Action steps for today:

  • Ask the Lord to remind you of His Gospel work on your behalf.
  • Set your security and identity in His work and not yours.
  • Surround yourself with Scripture.

Are your feet “fitted with shoes of readiness” and ready to step out in faith?

With whom can you share the Gospel today? Who is your “one”?

*Place a table tennis ball on the “REVIVE” board (in the back of the SMB) this Sunday, with the name of someone you have shared the Gospel with this week.

Additional Resources about God’s Armor