Week 45 Devo – MONDAY
Are there are days when you wake up and it doesn’t feel like “your day”? Are there moments when you feel as though your life isn’t amounting to what you want it to be?
Frustration can create temptation to trust in the world. This trust might be in the friendships that you care for so much, possibly in your phone, video games, sports, school, etc. When we put our trust in these things, we are trusting in what 1 John 4:4 tells us not to trust in – the one “who is in the world.” But just before those words, John tells us something greater that we can trust in –“he who is in you,” meaning the Holy Spirit. He is in you; he sees your hurt and your pain. This morning, take some time to engage God through prayer and remind yourself that “He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.”