Week 49 Devo – MONDAY
Known as the “Hall of Faith,” Hebrews 11 reminds us of men and women throughout Old Testament history whose actions demonstrated their faith in God.
Abraham is one of the prominent examples in this list of heroes. On God’s command, he set out in search of a land God had already prepared for him. In fact, the text tells us that he set out not even knowing where the land was. Only upon arriving in the place God had promised would he know he was there, which meant his journey was a turn-by-turn, mile-by-mile walk of faith. Each and every step required leaning on God.
What a great example of what faith looks like. It is not walking down our own path and then asking God to bless our direction. It is not recklessly marching forward without first seeking God. It is not being paralyzed by fear when God says, “Go.” Faith means keeping our eyes on Christ, trusting a perfect God to keep His Word, and following Him every step of the way.
How are you looking to God for daily guidance?