Week 49 Devo – TUESDAY
Sometimes it is hard to understand why God included some names of the faith heroes in Hebrews 11. Gideon’s desire for a fleece reflected a weak faith, and he later allowed an ephod to become a snare to himself and his family (Judges 8:27). Samson broke his Nazarite vow (Judges 13–16). Jephthah made a hasty vow with tragic results (Judges 11–12). We might not have included these names in this list, but God did—and He is always right. Indeed, nobody listed in Hebrews 11 was perfect.
These names remind us that God uses imperfect people who have faith in Him. In no way does He ever approve of our sin—nor does He look lightly on our inconsistent walk with Him—but God does use us for His glory when we lean on Him.
God works His plan through His people even when His people have much room to grow. That truth ought to make all of us hopeful and grateful!
How do the imperfect people God used throughout the Bible encourage you to serve the Lord?