Week 1 Devo – MONDAY
Although this ship and its passengers “were being severely battered by the storm” (v. 18), God’s power was not weakened by the intensity of the storm. Though “for many days neither sun nor stars appeared” (v. 20), His love was not dimmed by the darkness of the storm. Though “the severe storm kept raging” (v. 20), His faithfulness was not undone by the length of the storm. In all these things, He remained the same. Though the storm was hard, dark and long, it did not have the final word. Even when the ship itself went down, His children – and the other passengers – were saved.
Life is full of storms that threaten our hope. You may feel at times that there is no way out. But even if it results in a mighty crash – for “we have run aground” (v. 26) – God will deliver you. We have not been promised an easy life. Sometimes other people’s bad decisions have a major impact on our own lives, just as they did for Paul. But those hardships will not determine your destiny. God is more powerful than the storm. The storm will pass, but God’s love and faithfulness endure forever. You can hope in Him through every storm.
How can you maintain hope even through the hardest storms?