Week 1 Devo – TUESDAY

Finishing Strong

Gratitude is a powerful weapon against discouragement. In Acts 27, Paul and all on board the ship had been in a storm for days, and their situation was not improving. But in the morning, Paul stood and encouraged them to eat. He took bread and “gave thanks to God in the presence of all of them” (v. 35). It doesn’t seem like they had all that much to be thankful for, but the basic provision of food – something they all desperately needed – was an opportunity for thanksgiving.

When we are going through difficult storms in life, we can lose sight of God’s simple, daily provisions. We can forget His faithfulness in the little things. But when Paul gave thanks and began to eat, “they all were encouraged” (v. 36). Even in the hardest of times, a spirit of gratitude for God’s faithfulness in the little things can lift our spirit. May we find ways to give thanks even on the hardest days.

What is something you can be thankful for today?