Week 11 Devo – MONDAY

Come, Lord Jesus

What do we mean when we say that God is holy? We are saying that God is set apart. There is no one like Him. In the heavenly vision, God was called “holy, holy, holy” (v. 8). He is thrice holy because He is Trinity – Father, Son and Spirit. He is thrice holy because He is completely holy –  as if saying it one time could not show the full measure of His uniqueness.

Though we were made in God’s image, and though the Son became one of us, we should never think of God as a mere man. No, He is categorically different from us – higher, greater, and better than all. In the heavenly vision, the angelic creatures never stop calling Him holy. Don’t lose your reverence for God. The more familiar you are with Him, the more of His holiness you should see.

How can you maintain a view of God that regards Him as holy?