Week 14 Devo – MONDAY

Worship is laying down our idols

In this passage, the ark of God has been taken by the Philistines after defeating the Israelites in battle. What is the ark of God? A symbol of the presence of God with His people here on earth. Also known as the ark of the covenant, it was a constant reminder of the promise God made with His people to be their God.

Dagon was a half-human/half-fish god of fertility that the Philistines worshiped. Worship and sacrifices were made in the temple of Dagon where the massive statue was found.

When you read this account in 1 Samuel, who do you think won this match between God and Dagon? Why? 

God knocked the statue (idol) to the ground, and the priests had to help it back up. Then, God destroyed the idol by breaking it. I think it’s pretty clear who the victor was. In our lives, God will sometimes knock over or break our idols, so we can clearly see and truly worship Him.

Has there been a time when God had to knock down an idol in your life? What happened? 

We often have a choice—we can either lay down our idols voluntarily, or He will knock them down forcefully. This is out of His incredible love and goodness toward us, because our Creator is truly better than any idol.

Worship is more than a song; it’s laying down our idols. 

Like the people standing Dagon back up, what are some idols you’re always tempted to stand back up after laying them down?

Laying down idols is not a one-time act; it is a daily discipline. We’re always tempted to stand them back up. The best way to daily lay down idols or keep them down is to stay close to God through Scripture and prayer.


Hands Up

A sign of surrender.

  • Read Psalm 150:6.

Spend time worshiping God. You need to be reminded daily that He is God, and He is worthy of worship. Surrender to the truth of who He is today and that He is worth worshiping.

Hands Open

A sign of emptying out.

  • Read 1 John 5:21.

What do you need to lay down today? What is getting in the way of you seeing your Savior clearly?

What needs to be knocked over or broken because it’s stealing your worship away from Him? Empty out by confessing any idols.

Hands Out

  • Read Jonah 2:8.

Ask God to overwhelm you with His love today. Let Him know you are ready to receive it fully. Through the power of the Holy Spirit be ready to abandon your idols because you know His faithful love is better.