Week 16 Devo – TUESDAY

Passion is valuing the right person above all

What good things in the church do we tend to be more passionate about than Jesus? 

Have you ever heard the saying, “too much of a good thing”? Sometimes, this old proverb can be very true. For instance, exercise is good for you, but an excessive amount with no rest can be unhealthy. We know food is good in moderation, but too much ice cream all at once can make you feel sick.

A good thing can also be very dangerous when it’s used in a wrong or legalistic way. As Christians, we can fall prey to worshiping instruments used in praising God, instead of God Himself. Sometimes, we are guilty of becoming trapped by certain music styles, worship orders, or ministry techniques. Other times, we may even enjoy the acts of ministry or serving others more than we enjoy spending time with Jesus. If you’re not careful, it’s incredibly easy to fall more in love with the things of God than God Himself.

Has there ever been a time when you valued and enjoyed the things of God more than God Himself? 

In Mark 2:23-28, the Pharisees had become so legalistic that they had turned the Sabbath day into a burdensome kind of straitjacket. Jesus told the Pharisees that the Sabbath is not a day created for its own sake—it’s a gift from God as a day of rest to meditate and worship Him.

Passion is more than activism; it’s valuing the right Person above all. 

It’s okay to enjoy certain styles over others. However, if you feel like you can’t worship God because of certain ministry or worship styles, then you may need to repent of being more passionate about the things of God than God Himself. Realize that music, church services, and teaching styles are ultimately just instruments and gifts by God to worship Him.

How can you grow in your passion for Jesus above all? 


Hands Out

A sign of receiving.

  • Read 1 John 3:16.

Jesus set the example for us. His passion and compassion led Him to lay His life down for you. Receive this example today to be reminded of His love for you, but also His example to go and show compassion toward others.

Hands Up

A sign of surrender.

  • Read Jeremiah 10:10.

Spend time reflecting on how great the Lord is. He is a God of love, but He is also a God of wrath.

Surrender to His Lordship today. Be passionate about Him, knowing that if you belong to Him, you’ll never experience His wrath, because Jesus did that on the cross in your place.

Hands Open

A sign of emptying out.

  • Read Colossians 3:23.

The greatest passion you can have is for the Lord by serving Him and others from your heart. Empty out by confessing anything that you’re currently more passionate about than Jesus.