Week 16 Devo – WEDNESDAY

Passion is helping those around you

In today’s text, we find Jesus in opposition to the Pharisees once again because of the Sabbath day. He had come across a man with a withered hand and healed him. The only response we see from the Pharisees is absolute disgust in Jesus performing this miracle on the Sabbath. The Sabbath is a good thing. It was a gift that God gave people as a day of rest. However, the day or the gift was never meant to be more important than people.

Why is it easier to promote a cause on social media than it is to actually help and serve the people around us? 

There are a few things we need to recognize in these verses. First, the man with the withered hand was in the synagogue, a place where people were supposed to come for healing and compassion. The Pharisees ignored him because it was the Sabbath. Second, when Jesus asked them whether or not He should heal the man, they stood silent. Christ was angered and grieved by the hardness of their hearts. Lastly, the Pharisees valued their traditions more than people.

There is a term that has become popular over the recent years—slacktivism. Basically, slacktivism is the passion of supporting political or social causes mainly online but not really doing anything about it in your personal life.

What is an example of slacktivism that you’ve seen? 

For example, I often wonder how many social media posts are typed out for some cause, compared to the number of gospel conversations being shared with a spiritually lost person or serving someone in need. After all, the greatest cause is making disciples and loving your neighbor as yourself.

Passion is more than activism; it’s actually helping those around you. 

How can you focus more on what God is doing and calling you to, than the things you don’t like going on around you? 

Spend time today focusing on getting your priorities in order. Glorifying God and ministering to people is what Christianity is all about!


Hands Up

A sign of surrender.

  • Read Psalm 37:4.

There is nothing wrong with telling God what your needs are, but the order of this verse is very intentional and important.

Take a moment to delight in the Lord. Surrender your delight to Him. Let your main passion be Him.

Hands Out

A sign of receiving.

  • Read Mark 11:24.

This verse doesn’t mean God is going to do whatever you want. It means when His passion has become your passion, He will give you what you ask because it will line up with His will. Receive the calling today to go live out the things He is passionate about.

Hands Open

A sign of emptying out.

  • Read 1 Corinthians 10:31.

Everything we do should be about His glory. Empty out by confessing the areas of your life where you tend to be more passionate about your own glory than His.