Week 5 Devo – TUESDAY

Hot Topics: Mental Health

Are there days when you feel as though no one understands how sad you are, or you feel as if there is no end in sight for the pain and burdens you are carrying? You need to realize you are not alone. Others feel as you are feeling right now. God has given you a community of believers around you who understand how these feelings can dominate your days and consume your thoughts. It is essential to connect with other people during times of depression or loneliness. Our first instinct is to isolate and pull away because “no one will want to be around me like this” when the opposite is the truth. We need to reach out and let others know so that they can support and encourage us. Galatians 6:2 reminds us that we are to carry one another’s burdens to fulfill the law of Christ. Allow other believers to fulfill the law of Christ through you.