Week 5 Devo – WEDNESDAY

Hot Topics: Mental Health

Do you ever feel out of control in some areas of your life? Do you struggle and grasp for control in these areas? Many times, this lack of control manifests itself in the form of an eating disorder. We may fail to realize that our eating disorder is a failed attempt to be in control of other areas of life. It is hard to unlearn these bad eating behaviors and patterns once they start. Our bodies learn to adjust to less food or a binge that results in sickness. While battling with our bodies and minds, we often forget to stop and realize that this is a battle with the Lord. We must learn to submit and give God complete control of every area of life. When we begin to lay down our selfish desires and control issues, we realize the freedom God has brought us in His Son. Galatians reminds us that it is for freedom that we have been set free.