Week 10 Devo – WEDNESDAY
Peter affectionately informs his readers not to be surprised when they are attacked for their faith. Rather, Peter expounds on this teaching by telling believers to rejoice in their suffering because they are actively taking part in the glory of Christ (4:12–13), which will one day be revealed. In 1 Peter 4:14, we are also promised that the Spirit of God will rest upon those who are insulted for the sake of Christ. Peter reminds his readers that they must suffer for “doing good,” not for rebellious behavior (4:15). Peter ends this passage by reminding them of the foundational principle in suffering – that believers are to live in light of God’s purifying judgment instead of earthly pleasures.
For Christians, the confrontation with the world will inevitably lead to suffering, which is part of the high cost of discipleship. We learn that what seems presently unjust and difficult to face can be turned into a celebration, by understanding that Jesus suffered as well. Many believers expect a life full of blessing and free of hardship when they come to know Christ. However, Jesus tells us something different in John 15:18.
Are you able to thank God for your suffering and rejoice in it? How?