Week 13 Devo – WEDNESDAY
Jesus didn’t shun Thomas for his unbelief. Instead, He invited him to touch the wounds in His hands and side as proof of His Resurrection. Thomas saw and had faith. Although we don’t get to see and touch the wounds of Jesus as testimony to His Resurrection, we don’t trust blindly. Our faith is seeing faith through the eyes of those who saw the risen Savior like Thomas. He proclaimed the truth of the Gospel message in his response, “My Lord and my God!”
Jesus was indeed who He said He was: He was the Son of God who would die for sin and rise again, defeating it forever. This is the substance of our faith. We may not see with our eyes, but we live as those who trust in faith the same truths Thomas realized. Jesus is risen!
How does the historical reality of Jesus’ Resurrection affect your everyday faith?
The Gospel Project for Students copyright ©2014 is published by LifeWay Press. Used by permission. All rights reserved.