Week 19 Devo – THURSDAY
We see that in the Bible, the Gospel is good news about how God, through Jesus’ work on the Cross, died to save sinners by grace through faith apart from works. This is another doctrine that Mormons find themselves in contradiction to what Scripture says. They reject salvation by faith alone and supplement faith with works. In the Book of Mormon, you see this statement, “For we know that it is by grace that we are saved, after all we can do” (Nephi 15:23). This is a vast difference and is vital because our salvation is not a team effort between God and man. We do not assist God in our salvation in any way. Any other message cannot produce salvation and glorifies man in the place of God.
Summarize Ephesians 2:1–9 in your own words.
Why is the doctrine of being saved by grace alone so important?