Week 26 Devo – WEDNESDAY
Luke tells us that “Paul looked straight at the Sanhedrin and said, ‘Brothers, I have lived my life before God in all good conscience to this day’” (23:1). Few things are more precious than a clear conscience. To have peace with God and a conscience that has been washed of sin and regrets of the past is priceless. But how do we obtain a good conscience?
We must confess our sins. We must come clean in order to be made clean. It is only when we stop hiding from God and others that we can stand in the light with the weight of guilt removed. How might one maintain a good conscience? We must turn from the sins that we have confessed and be ready to ask for forgiveness again when we stumble and fall. It is when we live in honesty with ourselves, God and others that we can say with Paul “I have lived my life before God in all good conscience” (23:1).