Week 11 Devo – FRIDAY
Jesus approached the weeping Mary, and rather than announcing His Resurrection with fanfare, He kindly asked her why she was crying and then revealed who He was by calling her name. She was the first to see the risen Lord, but many would follow. More than 500 people in total would see our raised and glorified Savior, an undeniable proof of Jesus’ Resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:6).
Christ’s Resurrection is the certification that He has done what He said He would do. There is no greater miracle than moving from death to life, and yet, this is what God offers to us: to put off the old self and be made anew (Ephesians 4:22-24) by Him. Although we don’t see Jesus in His resurrected body, we see Him through Scripture and the work of the Spirit to open our eyes to His work. And when our eyes have been opened, we can proclaim with Mary, “I have seen the Lord!”
How have you observed the Holy Spirit renewing your spirit and of those around you?
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