Week 6 Devo – MONDAY
Have you ever wondered why most social media platforms portray such a different view of physical and sexual values than Christianity does? Society sees our bodies as tools to be used as we please to gain power and pleasure. This view has implications for sexuality, gender and unborn babies. This week’s devotionals will highlight and contrast God’s design with ideas dominating our current culture.
The New Testament writers had to battle with an early version of this same view called Gnosticism, which taught that the world in our minds is all good and pure and the physical world around us is evil. However, the Bible says that God intentionally and beautifully created our physical bodies and minds. Christ’s physical body was a fundamental part of our salvation. Does this sound as though the physical body is just an unimportant afterthought? God created our bodies for His glory.
We often give God thanks for our spiritual lives.
Do you thank God for the gift of your physical life as well?
Does this change how you see yourself when you look at yourself in the mirror?