Week 38 Devo – THURSDAY
Imagine Philip’s surprise at finding a stranger on a desert road reading from a scroll of Isaiah about a prophecy of the coming Messiah. Yet God orchestrated this meeting and its details. God has given His Word to this world, and He sends it out to be effective in cutting through to the hearts of sinners. But according to His design, God works through His people to accomplish this Gospel work.
Thank God for the preachers and teachers who faithfully explain the Word of God. There have been countless times when people who were tired and confused, wanting answers from God, just “happened” to encounter a Christian ready to help them understand God’s purposes. May we, like Philip, put ourselves in positions to offer spiritual help to those who need it, continually prepared to share about the hope of Jesus as revealed in the Scriptures. To do this, we must understand our need for the Holy Spirit. He is the one with the power to open the eyes of the spiritually blind, and He is the real teacher who uses us to explain the Scriptures.
What role do the Scriptures play in your efforts to share the Gospel with others?