Week 39 Devo – FRIDAY

Confronted by the Gospel of Jesus

Everybody needs a Barnabas, whose name means “son of encouragement.” There are people in all our lives who were willing to invest in a big way, even taking a few chances on us, that we would grow in Christ. But just as we need someone to invest in us, we also need to invest in others. We all need support and encouragement, and God has called us to offer these things to our brothers and sisters in Christ. Part of our being devoted to God is devoting ourselves to others. We honor Jesus when we care for those who are part of His body.

We see this truth illustrated in the ways the early church cared for Paul, who had only recently threatened and persecuted the Church. If not for the grace of God demonstrated through Ananias, or the encouragement of Barnabas, we would have no apostle Paul. Our support and encouragement can make a powerful difference in the lives of others. Let’s all be encouragers!

What person has God placed in your life for you to encourage?