Week 43 Devo – MONDAY
Have you ever considered the Enemy’s tactics to try to keep us from God? When we learn how to identify Satan’s tactics, we can fight against them. One of the ways he tries to keep us from having an intimate relationship with God is by blinding our minds to the truth of the Gospel.
Satan is the “prince of the world, which means he dominates the “age” in which we live (John 12:31; 14:30 and 16:11). Satan reigns in influence on culture today by diluting godly philosophy, values and priorities. There are two choices: to be enlightened by the Gospel or to be blinded by the values of the god of this world. Satan veils the Gospel to those who are lost.
However, we know that God is ultimately sovereign. God defeated Satan by the Cross of Christ (Colossians 2:15). We can choose to walk in the truth and freedom of the Gospel of Christ.
What are some ways we see Satan reigning in our culture today?
How can we apply the truth of the Gospel to these situations?