Week 43 Devo – WEDNESDAY
Fear is one of Satan’s primary weapons. Satan instills fear by challenging the promises of God. A prime example of this is found in Matthew 14 when Jesus invited Peter to come to Him on the water. Peter’s faith in Jesus allowed him to walk on water! But when he took his eyes off Jesus, his fear of the waves made him start to sink.
Fear robs us of our faith and peace in who God is and our right standing with Him. It keeps our focus on circumstances instead of the promises in God’s Word. However, we see that God has not given us a spirit of fear. God has given us the power to fight fear through meditation on His Word, remembering His promises, and praying for His Spirit to cast out fear.
In what areas of your life does Satan try to instill fear the most?
What does Satan use to distract you from God’s Word?