Week 53 Devo – MONDAY

New Year

There is something exciting about the start of a new year. It feels like a clean slate. An opportunity to start fresh. A time to make different plans. To dream big. At the beginning of the year, we make resolutions. We determine how we want to look and act. We decide what we want to do differently. We are resolved (“firm in purpose or intent; determined”) to make this year the best.

So, set S.M.A.R.T. resolutions:

  • Specific (Give your goal a what, when, where and how.)
  • Measurable (Make sure you have markers of how much, how many, and how often to see whether you are accomplishing your plan.)
  • Attainable (Make a resolution you can keep. Know your steps to reach/meet your goal.)
  • Relevant (Is this the right resolution for this time in your life?)
  • Time-Bound (Put a specific time frame on your goal.)

Write your resolutions for this next year (personal goals, spiritual goals, physical goals, future goals).

How does looking at Paul’s resolution help you shape yours?