Week 13 Devo – WEDNESDAY
I love shoes. I’m what some people would call a sneaker head. However, there is one pair of shoes I’ll never own: The solid gold OVO x Air Jordan 10’s. According to Luxe Digital, they’re solid twenty-four carat gold, worth two million dollars, and weigh fifty pounds each!
What is the most valuable thing you own? How did you obtain it?
READ MATTHEW 13:44-46.
No matter how valuable these things are, nothing even comes close to the value of having a relationship with King Jesus. In these two parables, Jesus compared the kingdom of heaven to two treasures. The first parable compared the kingdom of heaven to a treasure found in a field. The man who found it sold everything he had to buy the field, so he could have the valuable treasure. The second parable compared the kingdom of heaven to a pearl of great price.
The pearl merchant also sold all he had to buy this great pearl. What was Jesus saying in these two parables? Receiving the kingdom of God is nothing less than exchanging all that you are for all that He is.
Revival is more than a feeling; it’s realizing that Jesus is the most valuable treasure of all.
Why are we tempted to treasure things more than Jesus?
You cannot hold on to the things of God and to the things of this world at the same time. You must let go of one or the other. Only the kingdom of God will last forever. The things of the world are passing away. Don’t let the most glorious treasure slip away for lesser, corruptible disappointments.
What are some things or people in your life that you are currently valuing more than Jesus?
Take several minutes and listen to your favorite worship song right now. Don’t hesitate to sing along with it and worship Jesus for the treasure that He is. Be reminded that He is the most valuable treasure of all.
Prayer Movements
Hands Up
A sign of surrender.
Be like David today and tell God how great He is. Remind yourself that there is no one like Him. Surrender to Him and know that He is worth following with your whole heart.
Hands Open
A sign of emptying out.
Grasp the reality of the treasure that is God’s Word. Empty out by letting His truth enter your soul and judge the thoughts and intentions of your heart.
Hands Out
A sign of receiving.
Know with everything in you that God loves you. He loves you so much He sent His Son to die for you. Receive the treasure of the salvation He offers us all in Jesus and go in any direction He gives you today.