Week 15 Devo – TUESDAY
What would you do if I offered you a piece of candy, opened the wrapper, took out the candy, gave you the empty wrapper, and kept the piece of candy?
What would be your reaction if that happened to you?
Even though the wrapper is really attractive and colorful, you want what is on the inside more than what it’s wrapped in.
Jesus taught a valuable lesson in Matthew 6:19-24. He said plainly that God cares about what’s on the inside. Many people spend their whole lives trying to make their wrappers as attractive and colorful as possible, while neglecting to focus on what really matters—their soul. Too many people are chasing the wrapper—the best score, the best car, the best clothes, the most money, and on and on.
Why are people so obsessed with outward appearances?
How sad the day will be for someone to appear in front of God trying to present Him with an empty wrapper. Put your time, energy, and devotion into what is on the inside. Remember, your “wrapper” stays here; your soul goes on!
Do you tend to care more about what’s on the inside or the outside when it comes to your own life? Why?
Holiness is more than a halo; it’s being transformed from the inside out.
There is no shortcut to being transformed from the inside out. It comes with spiritual maturity through spending time with God. Being in the Word and praying is the best way to do that. When what’s on the inside makes its way to the outside, that’s when we’ll see a movement of God.
Hands Up
A sign of surrender.
Take a moment and reflect on your Holy God being a rock. There is no one like Him. Surrender to the truth that He is sturdy and strong when nothing else is. Stand firm in Him today.
Hands Out
A sign of receiving.
Jesus did the work to change your identity through the cross and resurrection. Receive the truth of who you are. Culture wants you to label yourself, but all that matters is who Jesus says you are. Let that truth determine how you live today.
Hands Open
A sign of emptying out.
The Lord did the work to set us apart from the world around us. Empty out by confessing the areas of your life that don’t look any different from those who don’t follow Jesus. Ask Him to continue to change you by His power.