Week 16 Devo – MONDAY
Have you ever shared the gospel with someone who didn’t know Jesus? What happened?
Every single one of us can come up with excuses listing why we don’t serve other people or share the gospel with them.
What are some common excuses that you’ve heard others use, or that you have used yourself?
If we are honest with ourselves, we have all had a defeated mindset about sharing the gospel with others at some point in the past. However, the truth is that one person can make all the difference in the world.
In John 4, Jesus approached a Samaritan woman who was radically changed by Him. This single woman goes and tells her entire town about the Man who told her everything she ever did (v. 39). She did not do anything to change their hearts, but she introduced them to the One who could.
When have you seen one person make a difference?
One person can make a difference. Will you be willing to say, “Okay, God, even if I am by myself, I will be your witness”? Realize that the pressure is off your shoulders because you can’t change anyone by yourself. Only Christ can do that.
Passion is more than activism; it’s helping people hear about Jesus.
The greatest passion and action you can have is to be a passionate and active ambassador for Christ!
Hands Up
A sign of surrender.
Spend time praying to the Lord and being reminded of His power. There is no one that can beat Him. He always wins. Your passion needs to be connected to His victorious power. Surrender to the call on your life to make Him known in your daily mission field.
Hands Out
A sign of receiving.
God has called you to live with a passion for knowing Him and making Him known. Receive God’s love through the power of the gospel, and ask Him to love others through you by serving them and sharing the gospel.
Hands Open
A sign of emptying out.
Remember, God is sending you out to make Him known in
your daily mission fields. Having compassion for people comes from having the love of God inside of you. Empty out by confessing any indifference you have toward people. Ask God to replace indifference with His compassion and love for others.