Week 16 Devo – THURSDAY
Recently, I got a new cell phone. When I took the new phone out of the box, it was absolutely dead and useless, until I plugged the charger into the phone. Power from an abundant source had to be transferred to this single source that lacked power. Once the phone was charged up from the power source, it began to work.
When have you been unable to use something because the battery was dead, or you didn’t have access to electricity?
READ LUKE 8:43-48.
In Luke 8:43-48, a story is recorded about a woman who had been bleeding for twelve years. The woman reached out from a crowd and touched just the hem of the garment of the ultimate power source. Jesus knew that power had left Him. He wasn’t saying that He had lost power, but that power had been transferred from Him to another source. The woman was immediately healed, and her life was changed forever!
When have you felt the power of God at work in you?
Passion is more than activism; it’s being actively plugged into the Power Source.
It’s easy to confuse real passion for emotions. It’s often easy to stir up an emotional response to convince ourselves or others that we’re passionate about something. However, you’ll be a lot more effective operating with real passion that comes from being plugged into Him.
In 2 Corinthians 5:20, there is the promise that God is the power doing the work through us. Thank Him today that you serve a God who has the power to change lives. He is the ultimate Power Source who never loses any strength, no matter how many people He transfers it to.
How does a person operate in His power over their own?
Hands Up
A sign of surrender.
Surrender today to the reality of the power of the Lord. You don’t worship a weak God off in the distance; you worship an all- powerful God, who is up close and personal and has defeated the enemy.
Hands Out
A sign of receiving.
Rest in the truth that you don’t have to generate passion by your own power. Slowly read and reflect on how this verse describes your Lord. Receive the promise of who He is and His power. Let your passion today be generated by His power source.
Hands Open
A sign of emptying out.
We all tend to default to trying to do things by our own power. Empty out by confessing and repenting of trying to serve the Lord by your own power.