Week 3 Devo – MONDAY

Finishing Strong

Everyone wants to be happy. We search for happiness in hobbies, in relationships, in possessions, and more. But what is the key to happiness? John opened this letter by saying, “We are writing these things so that our joy may be complete” (1:4).

First, there is the joy of walking in God’s light. Holiness is a happy life – not because it is easy, but because the conscience is freed from the burdens of sin. So, we confess, are cleansed, and have joy. Second, there is the joy of knowing that God has forgiven you. Jesus Christ has been our atoning sacrifice and now advocates for us before the throne of God. In Him, our standing with God is secure. These two joys of godliness and the Gospel give us the greatest joy: the assurance of knowing that we belong to God. If ever there were something to rejoice in, it is that we know we are saved by Jesus.

What is the source of your joy in life?