Week 8 Devo – THURSDAY

Hot Topics: Partying and Drinking

Look out for those around you, the impact of your witness.

In the time of the early church, Christians faced a lot of hate from just about everyone. Politically and religiously, they posed a threat to those with power; therefore Christians were often persecuted. In 1 Peter 2:12, Peter calls followers of Christ to respond to persecution in a way that aligns with the God we claim to follow. While we may not face the same kind of opposition, we can still apply this verse to our lives by living in a way that protects our credibility to speak of Jesus to the world around us.  

In a culture that deeply values authenticity, we must authentically follow Christ. This way we hold the trust of our peers when we get the opportunity to share the Gospel with them! 

What can you pinpoint in your life that positively impacts the way people view you?

What can you pinpoint in your life that negatively affects the way people view you?