Week 9 Devo – TUESDAY
Before creation, Jesus was God. He did not begin to exist at the incarnation. Rather, the eternal Son became a man. Jesus is He “who was” (vv. 4, 8), and Jesus is God. Jesus didn’t stop being God when He was crucified. He has risen and reigns forever. To think of Him as merely a significant historical figure is insufficient; for He is the one “who is” (vv. 4, 8), and He is coming to earth again. Jesus is coming on the clouds, and every eye will see Him (v. 7).
There’s no need to fear Jesus’ coming. Jesus is the God who “loves us and has set us free from our sins by his blood” (v. 5). The one who exists forever has loved you from the beginning. He came to demonstrate that love through the Cross, and when He returns, we will live under His loving rule forever.
How might knowing that God has and will always love you change your relationship with Him?