Week 1 Devo – WEDNESDAY
It is clear from the very first verse of Romans 13 that we are to submit to authorities, most notably the government. However, Paul states that all authority has been “instituted” by God. This is also revealed to us in Daniel where we read that God “removes kings and sets up kings.” Ultimately God is in control, even over those who rule on earth. When we submit to such appointed officials, we are also submitting to God. The author of Hebrews instructs us not only to submit to leaders, but also to do so with joy.
Imagine a land that has no authority or structure to it. You’re probably imagining utter chaos taking place with no one instituted to uphold laws and restore order. God has established the authority here on earth and has called us to respect that authority. This means praying for the appointed officials of this country, whether you voted for them or not. By doing so, you are being obedient to the authority of God. Ultimately, we can take comfort in knowing that no matter who is in authority on this earth, God is on His throne. He is the greatest ruler of all!
In what ways can you begin to be submissive to God’s appointed authorities?