Week 21 Devo – FRIDAY
It’s amazing what happens when we put ourselves in situations and places to share the story of Jesus with others. Perhaps you know of a place right off the top of your head where tons of students gather on the weekends or weeknights. Maybe it’s a Whataburger after the game, a movie theater on the weekends, an online gaming platform each weeknight. All these arenas are places we can go to share our stories.
Where is a place you tend to hang out with many of your friends regularly?
This is exactly what Paul and his companions did when they went to the “supposed place of prayer” in Philippi. They went there hoping to find people to share the Gospel with. Because of their obedience, God opened the heart of Lydia, and she, as well as her whole household, came to know the Lord.
What is the name of one of your friends who doesn’t know the Lord? Begin praying that God would give you a moment to share your story with him or her this next week.