Week 8 Devo – MONDAY
Faith is personal. No one else can have faith for you, yet our faith is not independent of the influence of others. Paul said that Timothy had a “sincere faith,” that was first embodied in his mother and grandmother (2 Tim. 1:5). We all need people in our lives who are showing us how to follow Jesus. Paul called Timothy his “dearly loved son” (2 Tim. 1:2). Discipleship is, by nature, relational.
Who are the godly influences you are looking to and imitating? Are you allowing other Christians to speak wisdom into your life, or are you trying to live for Jesus in your own strength and wisdom? We can be too individualistic about our relationship with Christ. Resist the temptation to walk alone; submit to godly leaders and imitate their example. When you do, the sincere faith that is in them will be “in you also” (2 Tim. 1:5).
Who has God put in your life that you need to seek out for guidance and discipleship?