Week 31 Devo – THURSDAY

The Holy Spirit

We’ve discussed this week that the Holy Spirit is our Helper. In today’s Scripture, we plainly see that “the Spirit helps us in our weakness.” It states that the Spirit goes before us and pleads on our behalf with God. The Spirit doesn’t just plead, though. Paul gives us a great “word picture” here. The Spirit does this with “groanings too deep for words.” It is as if there are no words to describe how the Spirit interacts with God on our behalf when it comes to prayer. However, all of this pleading is according to the will of God. What an incredible thing to know that while we may not know how we ought to pray, we have the Holy Spirit communicating with God on our behalf!

  • What does your personal prayer life look like?
  • How does it comfort you to know the Holy Spirit speaks to the Lord on your behalf?