Week 32 Devo – FRIDAY

Reach, Learn, Love, Multiply

The Catholic St. Francis of Assisi once said, “Preach the gospel at all times; when necessary, use words.” While that does make for a good bumper sticker, it is not fully supported by Scripture. Yes, Jesus came to earth and showed His love for us, but He also spoke truth. He recited God’s Word to those He healed, and they were forever changed after that. Not only are we supposed to show the love of Christ to others, but we are supposed to speak life into others, just as Jesus did.

One of our duties as a Christian is to share our faith with those who do not know the Good News. In 2 Timothy we are told to “teach others” the incredible news of the Gospel – and people will be forever changed. The truth is, the Gospel came to you headed toward somebody else. Aren’t you glad that others loved you enough that they did not leave you in your hopelessness of sin and shame but told you about the hope and eternal life we have in Jesus. We must multiply this Good News to the world by telling others about what Jesus has done for us. It does not require a college degree, a job in a church, or some elaborate way with words – it requires you to simply share what God has done in your life.

  • How well do you know your testimony? Could you share it with someone today?