What is the cost for Beach Camp?

$780 Through April 13
$855 (late registration) April 14 until full/June 1
Waiting list will be available.
Deposits of $150 are non-refundable.

Are seats limited?

Yes. We are limited this year due to the number of available condo buildings and can only take a certain number of
students and leaders. Please help others get registered now!

Is confidential financial assistance available?

Yes, partial scholarships are available and are based on need. All scholarships are confidential. Contact the
Prestonwood Students Office if you have any questions. Payment plans are also available upon request.

Will there be adult supervision in every condo?

Yes. Safety and security are our chief concerns. We will have at least one adult leader in every condo unit.

If I invite a friend to come to camp who doesn’t usually come to Prestonwood, will he or she be able to stay with me at camp?

Absolutely! We will always guarantee that your same-gender/grade non-Prestonwood guests will be in the same
condo as you at camp, as long as it is indicated on the registration.

Will students be available to roam freely at any time during Beach Camp or will they be in a supervised environment?

Students will have adult supervision at all times during Beach Camp. Students will be escorted by their adult leader
to and from their condos as well as the beach. Also, no students will be allowed to remain in the condos during free

What if my student has a food allergy?

All food allergies and medical conditions need to be documented in online registration and reported to the Camp
Nurses through an online form that will be made available in May. Certain food allergies can be accommodated at
Beach Camp. Please contact the Prestonwood Students Office for more information.

What do I do with my student’s medication?

All medication MUST be turned in to the nurses prior to leaving for Beach Camp. An online form will be made
available in May for you to add detailed instructions to turn in with the medication. We will discuss this in further
detail at the parent meetings.

Can my child bring electronic devices such as a cell phone, tablet or laptop?

Students may bring their cell phone or tablet to Beach Camp at their own risk. Laptops are not allowed. We will
discuss in further detail at the parent meetings.

What are the transportation arrangements?

All students will be transported to, from, and around Fort Walton Beach on charter buses.

Can I, as a parent, volunteer?

Absolutely! Visit www.prestonwoodstudents.org/beachcamp and click on “serve” and someone from our team will
be in touch.