Dodgeball Tournament 2024
For all junior high and high school students – Prestonwood Students, friends, teammates, and more!
Wednesday, September 25
6:00–9:00 p.m.
Check in: Student Ministry Building
Games: South Fields
A medical release waiver will need to be signed by a parent prior to the event or at the event if the student is less than 18 years old.
Staff has the right to change your team name if it seems inappropriate or suggestive in any way.
What is the cost?
This year, the Dodgeball Tournament is FREE! That’s right, it costs $0 to enter and play … so tell everyone to sign up!
How do I sign up?
Click the registration link for the campus where you plan to compete!
How many players can be on a team?
- North Campus – Teams are made of 7 person teams but 5 play at a time. Sign up using the Name of your Captain. Your Captain is responsible for filling out the final Roster. If there are more than 7 requesting the Captain, we will notify the Captain and possibly start a new team. If you do not already have a team chosen, please select “FREE AGENT.” If you are not playing dodgeball, but are coming for all the fun hang time, please select “SPECTATOR.”
What if I can’t organize a full team?
That’s OK! We will place you on a team. Use the online registration form above to sign up yourself and any others who want to compete! Please select “FREE AGENT” to be placed on a team.
Who can be on my team?
- North Campus – Teams will be in three different brackets:
- JHigh – Coed
- High School Girls
- High School Guys
How is the tournament organized?
Single-elimination brackets will be organized to randomly pair up teams based on registration before the start of the tournament.
Are there prizes?
Of course! More details about the prizes will come soon!
Will there be food?
- North Campus – FREE snow cones
How do I check in?
- North Campus – Students will check in at the Student Ministry Building beginning at 6:00 p.m. Your whole team needs to check in TOGETHER.
Can I just come and hang out, even if I don’t want to play dodgeball?
Absolutely! We have many more things to do – games, 9-square-in-the-air, spike ball, and more! Feel free to come and watch … and bring friends!
Check out last year’s video!
If you have any questions, contact jwhicker@prestonwood.org (Plano Campus High School), jonathanthomas@prestonwood.org (Plano Campus Junior High) or ctravis@prestonwood.org (North Campus).