March 2025 – Acts 1:8 Mission Trips 

  • March 10–13 – Dallas – Plano JHigh and HS (Register)

  • March 13–23 – East Africa – High School Students

  • March 17–20 – Dallas – North JHigh and HS (Register)

  • March 17–21 – Miami, Florida – High School Students (Register)

We fully believe that Christians are called to actively live on mission as we seek to live out the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19–20). Seeking the Lord, abiding in Him, growing in biblical knowledge, serving sacrificially, loving our neighbors, and sharing the Gospel happens with those across the street from us and in our community.

Through coordination with our Prestonwood Students staff, LifeGroup Leaders, and Missions department, there are MULTIPLE ways for students to live on mission.

Prestonwood Cares – Prestonwood Cares is a compassion ministry initiative of Prestonwood Baptist Church, committed to serving the people in need in our community, across the nation, and to the world for Christ. Whether it’s helping to feed those in need in our community or serving those affected nationally and globally by natural disasters, Prestonwood Cares becomes the hands and feet of Christ during times of great need.

Deaf Ministry
 – The Deaf Ministry serves those who are hearing impaired, numbering nearly 1 million people across North Texas. according to the last census. Many of these hearing-impaired people are either not part of a church community, or have yet to hear the Gospel in their understood language. The Deaf Ministry seeks to help in both of these critical areas of need.

ESL Ministry
 – The ESL Ministry (English as a Second Language) endeavors to teach English to those who do not speak it as their primary language, which represents more than 40 percent of the people in North Texas. Many of these people are either not part of a church community or have yet to hear the Gospel in their primary language. The ESL Ministry seeks to help in both of these critical areas of need.

Prison Ministries
 – Prison outreach and restoration focuses on ministering to people in state prisons, jails and correction facilities to share the Gospel message, and continues to invest in them after they have left these facilities, through community and discipleship in the name of Jesus Christ.

 – BridgeBuilders works in inner-city neighborhoods to restore relationships by engaging, equipping and empowering individuals, families and communities in the name of Jesus Christ. BridgeBuilders seeks to work alongside valuable church partners, organizations, donors, volunteers and most importantly, community residents.

LEAD Team – The LEAD Team is an opportunity for Prestonwood Students to know God more and make Him known, as well as leverage their God-given gifts and talents in order to impact the world around them for Christ. The LEAD Team encompasses various positions of leadership. While each position of leadership has differing descriptions and expectations, the goal is the same: for student leaders to make disciples of Jesus Christ as they live out their walk with Christ in the mission field where He has placed them. For more details about the LEAD Team, click here.

Please contact Prestonwood Students at for more information.